This book by the famous African evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is an ultimate guide to understanding salvation through Jesus Christ. In this classic book, you will understand how much Jesus loves you, how you can be born again, how you can avoid going to hell and what it means to be a new creature in Christ Jesus. Give this book to anyone and they will understand what it means to be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Did you know that the prophets of old, inquired about and searched out this great salvation that was to be revealed to us? They could not imagine how this salvation would come to men…but we are blessed to receive this salvation! We have received salvation because someone told us about it. In this riveting book, Dag Heward-Mills, an evangelist in Africa leads us not only to understand our great salvation but also teaches us how to share this great salvation gospel with others. May each of us do the work of an evangelist!
God desires that all men be saved! That is why He sent Jesus Christ to die for us. Jesus used His blood to pay for our sins. For us who have been saved, God is calling us to be saviours of men. We have been given the Great Commission. Jesus’ last words to us are to go into all the world and make disciples of all men! Will you heed the call? Yet another thought-provoking title in the classic evangelistic series by Dag Heward-Mills. It is certain to persuade every believer to fulfil his obligation towards sinners and become a saviour of men!
God has called many people indeed. Our life on earth is an opportunity to serve Him, and God has His eye on the things you are doing for his Kingdom. This book makes a stimulating read. If you imbibe the truths conveyed by the author, you will receive wisdom to use the opportunities of your life in the right way.
The Bible admonishes us to: "look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others"(Phillippians 2:4). In this timely book, Dag Heward-Mills challenges you to go beyond thinking about yourself and think of others also! Love others also! Consider others also! Care about others also! Live for others also! Jesus came to die for us because He thought about "others". I want to be more like Him. Do you want to be like Jesus?
A principle is a revelation! A principle is something that allows you to develop! A principle is a deep understanding of how something works. This book contains a collection of principles, all of which relate to the great salvation that we have experienced in Christ! Delve deeper in your understanding of salvation as you uncover these seven great principles. As you do, God will place in your hand keys that will ensure your rising into higher levels in Him.